Monday, April 9, 2018

Affirmative Agreement, Negative Agreement, dan Verbs as Complement

1. Affirmative Agreement

DEFINISI : Affirmative agreement merupakan (kesesuaian) yang digunakan ketika seseorang melakukan sesuatu dan menambahkan bahwa ada orang lain yang melakukan sesuatu yang sama.

kata so, too, dan also mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu juga, pula, pun. Tapi dalam penggunaannya terdapat perbedaan, so digunakan sebelum tobe(s) dan auxilliaries(kata bantu).
1. My wife will talk to him and so will I
2. My wife has talked about it, and so have I
3. My wife talked about it, and so did I

Sedangkan too dan also digunakan setelah tobe(s) dan auxilliaries.
1. My wife will talk to him and I will too
2. My wife has talked about it, and I have too
3. My wife talked about it, and I did also

1. When a form of the verb be is used in the main clause, the same tense must be used in the following simple statement.

affirmative statement (verb be) + and + [subject + verb (be) + too] OR [so + verb (be) + subject]

She is smart and you are too.
She is smart and so are you.

2. When a compound verb (auxiliary + verb) is used in the main clause, the auxiliary verb is used in the simple statement. The subject and verb of the simple statement must also agree.

affirmative statement (compound verb) + and + [subject + auxiliary verb + too] OR [so + auxiliary verb + subject]

She should finish her homework and you should too.
She should finish her homework and so should you.

3.  When any other verb (except be) appears without an auxiliary in the main clause, the auxiliary do, does, or did is used in the simple statement. Again, the subject and verb must agree and the same tense must be used.

affirmative statement (single verb except be) + and + [subject + do, does, or did + too] OR [so + do, does, or did + subject]

I walk to school and my friends do too.
I walk to school and so do my friends.

2. Negative Agreement

“Either” dan “neither” memiliki fungsi yang sama seperti kata “too” dan “so” pada klausa kedua (second clause) dalam kalimat positif (affirmative sentence/ agreement). Kata “Either”dan “neither” ini digunakan untuk mengindikasikan kalimat negative (negative sentence/ agreement). Aturan yang sama juga berlaku untuk penggunaan “to be”, “auxiliary verb” (kata kerja bantu), dan “verb” (kata kerja).

Untuk neither digunakan sebelum auxilliary verb, for example:

1. My roommate won't go, and neither will I
2. My roommate hasn't gone, and neither have I
3. My roommate doesn't go, and neither do I

Dan untuk either digunakan setelah auxilliary verb dan kata "not", for example:

1. My roommate won't go, and I won't(will not) either
2. My roommate hasn't gone, and I haven't either
3. My roommate doesn't go, and I don't either

Hal lain yang harus diperhatikan yaitu untuk pemakaian tobe dan auxilliaries setelah kata "..and.." harus sesuai dengan tobe dan auxilliaries yang digunakan di awal kalimat, seperti :

My wife is talking about it, and so am I
My wife has talked about it, and I have too
My roommate won't go, and neither will I

“Either” and “neither” function in simple statements much like “so” and “too” in affirmative sentences. However, either and neither are used to indicate negative agreement. The same rules for auxiliaries, be and do, does, or did apply.

Negative statement + and + [ S + negative auxiliary or be + either]
Negative statement + and + [ neither + positive auxiliary or be + S ]

For example,
A: I'm not hungry.
B: Neither am I. / I'm not either.

3. Verbs as Complement

Verb as Complement adalah kata kerja pelengkap , pelengkap kata kerja adalah kata atau frase yang melengkapi kata dari subyek,obyek, atau kat kerja .Seperti, misalnya saya akan berusaha (1) untuk bekerja keras (2), kawan saya memutuskan (1) untuk menikah (2) bulan depan, adikku berhenti (1)menangis (2) ketika ibu datang, saya tak tahan (1)untuk jatuh cinta (2) denganmu, dll.

A. Ada Kata Kerja yang SELALU diikuti oleh Invinitive (to +Verb), yaitu:

a. Agree (setuju)
b. Attemp (berusaha/mencoba)
c. Claim (menuntut/menyatakan)
d. Decide (memutuskan)
f. Desire (menginginkan)
g. Fail (gagal)
h. Forget (lupa/melupakan)
i. Hesitate (merasa ragu/bimbang)
j. Hope (berharap)
l. Intend (bermaksud)
k. Learn (belajar)
l. Need (membutuhkan/memerlukan)
m. Plan (berencana)
n. Prepare (mempersiapkan)
o. Pretend (berpura-pura)
p. Refuse (menolak)
q. Seem (kelihatan)
r. Tend (cenderung)
s. Want (ingin)
t. Wish (berharap)

- His father agrees to send him a new car (ayahnya setuju untuk mengirimnya mobil baru).

- He learned to play basketball, when he was a little.

1. Ada Kata Kerja yang SELALU diikuti oleh Gerund (Verb-ING) :
a. Admit (menerima/mengijinkan/mengakui)
b. Avoid (menghindari)
c. Appreciate (menghargai)
4. Can’t help (tak tahan)
5. Consider (mempertimbangkan)
6. Deny (mengingkari)
7. Finish (menyelesaikan)
8. Mind (keberatan)
9. Practice (berlatih)
10. Postpone (menunda)
11. Quit (meninggalkan)
12. Recall (mengingat/memanggil kembali)
13. Resist (melawan/menentang/menahan)
14. Resume (memulai lagi/meneruskan/menempati lagi)
15. Risk (mempertaruhkan/mengambil risiko)
16. Suggest (menyarankan/mengusulkan)

• I am considering buying a new car, because it’s a good investment
• he finished telephoning when I came
• He admitted not cheating on the exam (negative form)

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